Interview with Julie Dawn Fox, Portugal

Julie Dawn Fox
Julie Dawn Fox

Julie’s first post A personal A-Z of Portugal inspired me to join her by sharing “My “A-Z of Portugal”.  I then asked my fellow bloggers all over the world to join us on my post My A ~ Z of Portugal; the response was overwhelming.

I propose to feature and promote bloggers participating in the Global A-Z, not only by promoting a selection of their posts, but also by interviewing a different A-Z Blogger each week. So who better to start with, than Julie herself!

Interview with Julie Dawn Fox, Portugal

Who are you?

I’m a writer, traveller and teacher but not necessarily in that order. My job as a teacher of English as a foreign language (TEFL) has enabled me to live and work in various countries over the years, including Portugal, where I’ve been living for over four years. During that time, I’ve got married, moved to the countryside, adopted a dog and begun to pursue my dream of becoming a writer.

Julie, what prompted you to create the A personal A-Z of Portugal series of posts?

The idea started with the ABC award that Alyson Sheldrake surprised me with around Christmas time. In order to accept it, I had to write a word or phrase for each letter of the alphabet that meant something to me. No need for explanations, just the words, so I did that quite quickly.

While visiting other blogs, such as Restlessjo’s, I noticed an A-Z of Travel doing the rounds. Someone, I’ve no idea who started it, had come up with a question for each letter of the alphabet and challenged bloggers to answer them.

That’s when I got the idea of writing an A-Z specifically about Portugal because that’s the focus of my blog. I began drafting a single post with a paragraph for each letter. Then I thought, hang on a minute, why not write a whole post about each of these things instead of one very long one that people probably wouldn’t bother reading until the end?

I went to bed with the idea buzzing around my head, trying to think of topics for each letter. I couldn’t sleep and in the end, I had to get up and write them down because my memory’s hopeless. Only once I had at least one idea for each letter was I able to go back to bed and get to sleep…

Interview continues here

Why not join the A-Z Country Challenge over at My Global A-Z?

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